Friday, January 4, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away

It's raining really hard. Or it was, and it has temporarily let up for the moment. Anyway, the following post is my thoughts on rain and other things.

I like the rain. It makes things smell good. It also provides us (you, the reader, and myself, in addition to pretty much everybody else) with water that we use to drink, bathe, and more. Actually let me rephrase that. I like the idea of rain, rather than rain itself. If we could have the end effects of rain without the physical action and undesirable results I would be much happier. Alas, nature does not abide by the musings of most college students.

I have realized that the weather has a great influence on my actions. When it rains, I tend to stay indoors, (though I generally tend to stay indoors in the winter whether or not it's raining,) and when it's sunny I enjoy basking in the glorious thing we call ultra-violet radiation. And for all of you who don't like the sun, you're wrong. Sun is one of the greatest things that ever happened to me, and you for that matter, whether you like it or not. It one of the very few things that we could actually not survive without. So suck it up, and go enjoy the sun.

On a completely different subject, women with really squeaky voices really, really, really, really bother me. I used "really" four times right there, just to emphasize how much I dislike it. There is just this certain way that some girls speak, whether it's their inflections or tone or something along those lines that rubs me exactly the wrong way. Honestly, it makes me want to strangle them. If I know you, pray that you aren't one of these girls because it pretty much means I hate you.

New Year's Eve (and New Year's Day as well, for that matter) is a stupid holiday. There is nothing significant to celebrate, except that you get to use a new calendar. This does not even occur if you use one of those calendars that go by the school year instead of the calendar year. So, people should not make such a big deal about a change in the calendar, but wait until the end of their school calendars and celebrate then, and there could be a second kind of Christmas (or whatever religious holiday or secular observation you do in the winter time) where everybody gets new calendars and there's good food to eat and stuff like that.

Meatloaf, though delicious, should only be eaten when you observe its preparation. You don't know what they (they being the people in the back of the restaurant; conniving cooks, plotting ways to give you hepatitis and such) could put in it. It is essentially ground up mystery meat, because honestly, it could be totally different from whatever they tell you it is. Actually, just avoid things made from ground meat, because you never know what's getting ground up.

Women's underwear totally lacks any sort of practical function. There is not enough substance to provide any sort of normal underwear functionality. The only reason I suspect it exists is to be aesthetically pleasing. It typically achieves that goal (at least in most cases). Also, (this applies to other items of women's clothing as well,) for the amount of fabric you get, you should just buy men's clothing and make multiple articles of women's clothing out of each men's garment you buy. Honestly I think there's at least five thongs' worth of fabric in each pair of my boxers (which are way cheaper than thongs).

Premises is a good word, which does not receive the amount of  appreciation it deserves.

Haikus are by far the best form of poetry. There is no reasoning necessary. It is simply the best. Better than all the rest. I will present to you a haiku about haikus:

First, five syllables.
Then, seven more; five to end.
A simple poem.

How elegant is that? I think that's an appropriate place to end. More to come.