Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Nothing In Particular

After a long period of activities that don't include writing, I'm going to attempt a new post with the hopes that it doesn't end up being too boring. It's been quite a while, if you haven't noticed, so forgive me if it's a little off. Anyway I don't have anything in particular in mind as I begin writing this, so I'm just going to ramble a little bit. I hope you don't mind.

This post comes as summer begins to come to a close. I'm not sure when the transition from summer vacation to back-to-school began, but I feel like it's here already. It's just arrived without me realizing it. Maybe it's like when you go to the bathroom at a restaurant, and when you get back, your food is already at the table. Or when you're driving to (or from) somewhere you're really familiar with, then you just go into autopilot. Before you realize it, you've already arrived at wherever you were going without consciously getting there.

On things that appear without you knowing how they got there, I recently found a very irregular shaped bruise on my thigh. I spent a good deal of time contemplating where it came from, (since I have nothing better to do in the summer,) and finally realized that it's where my keys sit in my jeans pocket. Although I deduced the probable cause of my bruise, I still have no idea how I bashed my keys into my leg hard enough to sustain a bruise. It's rather infuriating. The bruise itself is kind of strange because it's empty in the middle. It looks kind of like the Zelda triangle thing, if you know what I'm talking about.

I'd like to put it on the record that I have never played Zelda or Final Fantasy or World of Warcraft, and that I am, in fact, not what most people would consider a "gamer." My one video game vice would be Pokémon. Yes, I know the keyboard shortcut for the accent over the é, but that's only because I took French in high school and had to type some assignments. I'm using it now to have correct spelling. I thoroughly enjoyed Pokémon when I was nine, and I thoroughly enjoy it now. I think I mentioned this in another post.

This morning, as I huddled in bed in a state of semi-consciousness, I realized what a technological marvel the analogue clock is. They seem immensely complicated. I guess that it's just working out a bunch of gear ratios, but there're three hands to deal with and they all rotate from the same place at different rates. It's crazy. Or maybe it's just crazy when you're half asleep.

I'd really like to be a musical virtuoso. I'm just gonna throw that out there without an explanation or commentary. Think of it as a fun fact about the author.

I don't remember when the last time I wrote one of these posts was. It's been at least two and a half months, because I know that I haven't written one since before I started my summer job, and that was the last full week of June. Yeesh. I'm slacking too much. I don't even know what I've been doing with my time. I usually wrote on this blog when I had time to waste during the school year. I know I had tons of time to waste this summer, but this is the first time I've written anything. Weird, huh?

Anyway, I'm about done now, so I'll leave it at that. Happy living.