So it's been about six months since I've posted anything on this blog, but I was talking to one of my friends and they said I should write again, so now I'm writing again.
I was thinking this morning about how you would describe subatomic particles to a four-year old child, and it got me started again on how ridiculous our existence is. First of all, there is simply a ridiculous amount of stuff out there. Like, first of all there's the earth, which is really unfathomably massive, but in the grand scheme of the universe, it's really not that big. But even then, there's simply an insane amount of complexity in the structure of life. I figure an atom is considerably smaller than any viable object, so let's put it this way. If my body was constructed out of sand-sized particles, there would still be millions of particles in my body, and they move. Think about how hard it is for us to make machines. If you've ever played with legos, you know how hard it is to make something big and moving, and you have instructions for that. Now imagine that you threw all your legos in a giant bag and shook them until they stuck together in the proper way. That actually happened, but the legos were actually little bits of your ancestor. Hella long ago.
I just don't understand how all this stuff came to be. Sure, primordial stew makes sense as an idea. Sure, I can imagine that some molecules got randomly smashed together and formed other self-replicating molecules, which eventually became bacteria and stuff. But I lose this at some point where these cells become lions and tigers and bears. Oh my. Those moving legos apparently made more moving legos that put themselves together (or got shaken together somehow). Then eventually you had giant megalodons and velociraptors and Vervet monkeys fighting in the streets of Japan. That's totally inaccurate but you get the idea.
Anyway, I'm possibly going to write more soon. Look for updates. But don't be disappointed if none come.