Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Things There Are

There are thirty-seven tic-tacs in a container of tic-tacs. Should you care? Of course not. Why did I tell you? I don't know. I just thought you should know.

There are things I want to do that probably will never happen. Like climb Mt. Everest. And go to Antarctica. And fly (superhero-style, not in an airplane or something). And win an Oscar. And win the lottery. And be struck by lightning (which would probably suck, but would also be an awesome story to tell if I survived).

There are more people on the planet than need to be here. People who aren't doing anything with their lives or being productive or interesting should just go crawl into a cave and die. It would ease the strain on our planet's diminishing resources.

There are twenty-six letters in the alphabet and seventy-eight keys on my keyboard.

There are bugs outside. And inside for that matter, but there are more bugs outside than there are bugs inside.

There are things that I haven't talked about yet that I won't ever talk about, and I would provide examples of them here but then I would actually be talking about them and then they wouldn't be good examples anymore. What a crazy paradox.

There are too many applications on Facebook. It's almost becoming like MySpace. I hated it when I would go to somebody's MySpace page and annoying music would start playing and I had to go find where the button was to stop it but there was too much other stuff cluttering their page and I couldn't find the music player, then there would be too much stuff to load and my browser would crash, then I'd have to quit and remember not to go to that person's page anymore because it would make my browser crash, then I would stop talking to that person as much because their MySpace page was bad, then I got so fed up with Myspace that I deleted it and started using Facebook exclusively, then Facebook started reorganizing and I didn't like it when they added the news-feed and mini-feed features because it was really creepy, then they added gifts, and I was like, "Wow, Facebook is turning into MySpace," and people started tons of groups for anti-news-feed petitions and then people got used to it, then the Facebook people started adding applications that people could put on their pages and then I was like, "Wow, Facebook is totally turning into MySpace all over again, only more so," and other people were like, "Yeah dude, I totally agree," and we had a party except it wasn't a party but more like a little gathering where people stood around and talked about how Facebook was starting to resemble MySpace, except we didn't actually ever do this and now I'm pretty much just rambling on in one really, really long sentence that doesn't have too much of a point.

There are lots of words in that sentence.

There are seventeen syllables in a haiku.

There are things that I could write about that I'm not going to write about right now because I don't feel like writing anymore.

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