Monday, October 20, 2008

I Need Some Ginseng

It seems that I have been forgetting a lot of things lately. Forgetting to do things, forgetting to call people, forgetting to go places, forgetting that I already did something and no longer need to do but I do it again because I forgot that I already did it, forgetting what I want to say and why I want to say it--stuff along those lines. Anyway, it bothers me that I forget all these things. I feel like I would be a better person if I were to remember to do all the things I should be doing that I don't do, or if not a better person, at least a more satisfied one.

This morning I was late to class. This isn't atypical, but I was slightly later to class than usual. I was late to class because I had forgotten my bike and had to ride my scooter instead, which takes considerably longer than biking. In addition, I was (and still am) wearing these sandal-shoe hybrid things that are kind of like cloth clogs, which don't have anything to keep your foot in them except forward motion. This was problematic when riding a scooter, because a scooter is propelled by your foot pushing backwards, out of the sandal-shoe. I was quite worried about losing my shoe all the way to class.

I really like my shoes, though. They're comfortable, and offer most of the benefits of both sandals and shoes. They breath well (like sandals,) and keep your feet warm (like shoes). They're easy to put on, (like sandals,) and protect your toes from stubbing and chemical burns (like shoes). They're not the most stylish, but I usually don't worry too much about the stylishness of my shoes on a day-to-day basis.

However, on special occasions, shoe choice becomes a matter of life and death, or at least looking good and looking great. I totally believe that shoes are a critical part of an outfit. One example is as follows: I was at an event for the Stanford Graduate School of Business, and the founder or something of Nike (the really big, famous athletic goods company) shows up in a beautiful charcoal gray suit, looking almost dapper. What throws his outfit is the pair of black and white Nike sneakers he's wearing. Sure, he's wearing a suit that probably costs as much a used car. But it doesn't change the fact that he is wearing sneakers with a suit. Seriously, why don't you just custom order your China sweat shop to make you a pair of black leather loafers instead of your monogrammed Nike Frees.

There was something else that I wanted to write about after writing the paragraph preceding the preceding paragraph (that's two paragraphs before this--the one about benefits of shoes and sandals), but I forgot what it was in the course of writing the preceding paragraph (that's the one directly before this one). I really do need to be better at remembering things.

So there's this crazy picture of some bees (or some other flying insects that looks like bees) in front of me, but they're super magnified so they're like six inches long. That would freak me out, if there were suddenly monster bees flying around and killing people. I saw this movie on the SciFi channel once called Mosquito (quite creatively named) about giant mosquitos, and one of them violates a woman with its proboscis. It was bizarre.

I'll leave you with that thought.

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