Thursday, June 5, 2008


So the school year is pretty much over. I'm really happy that it's almost summer. I'm also kind of bummed, but I think that I'm more happy than bummed. It's nice that there's no more school to worry about, but all of my new friends are going home and I still don't have a job. Anyway, I'm gonna be a little retrospective now.

So I've learned a lot this year. Life lessons were selling at ten on the dollar. College is like that. It's a journey of self-discovery and stuff like that. Here are a few things I discovered this year.

The plot of the first season of the Pokémon television show is an epic journey. Ash Ketchum is the hero, and he faces obstacles and enemies and hardships and stuff on the way to becoming a Pokémon Master. Watch the show and you will be amazed by all the parallels that can be drawn between Pokémon and the Odyssey. Kind of. But Pokémon is a great video game and show.

Don't bike when groggy. You will eventually get in an accident. It is inevitable. The same goes for operating heavy machinery and driving and other activities that could possibly cause serious bodily harm. This is why early morning classes are a terrible idea.

The more time you spend with people, the less you like them. While not always true, I would say that it's usually correct. This is why we all hate annoying clingy people. People who latch-on to groups without contributing anything are particularly bothersome. I encountered this most often in high school when there were more stupid and annoying people, but they are inescapable because they are everywhere.

People do really stupid stuff when they are intoxicated, but most of the time it is pretty reflective of who they are. Girls who are normally slutty get sluttier and guys who are sleazy get sleazier. People who are annoying get more annoying, and people who are intelligent get stupid. What is most amusing and interesting is when quite, restrained people go crazy and do things that you would never expect. But drunk people are generally stupid, so don't drink.

Learn from your mistakes. If you didn't study in high school and think you can't study in college, try it out. But if you fail a midterm, start studying. If you don't fail your midterms and can manage to stay with the curve without studying too much, props to you. I wouldn't study either in that situation.

Email lists are both awesome and terrible. If anyone is getting together a list for a study group or making a study guide, get on that list. While you have to put up with all the nonsense that people post that isn't a study guide, and bothering you to contribute to the study guide, nobody is going to take you off that list. Then you get a free study guide. The bad part is that you have to filter through way too many emails to find the study guide, or anything else useful.

Get out of the dorm. Unless you're really antisocial and can't make friends, you should try to find people who aren't forced to be your "friend." While people in the dorm are conveniently located, there are way more people outside your dorm for you to meet than there are inside the dorm. When drawing from a larger pool, you're more likely to find people you'll like, especially if you look in groups/organizations/clubs that you're interested in, because that means they have similar interests.

Showering barefoot is really nice. Things you have at home and don't have at college are all pretty nice. Like a full-size refrigerator. And sleeping naked. And your own room. And pets. And space. And not having to share a bathroom with lots of other people.

Nudity is underrated. It is really nice to walk around in the nude, especially when it's really hot and you don't have air-conditioning. You also get a great tan.

I don't know what reality is anymore. Crazy thought, but college will do that to you. We learn a lot through our readings and our classes and our professors, but sometimes you just have to go and live a little, and you'll uncover things you never even thought about before. 


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