Sunday, November 16, 2008

I Have Nothing To Say

I'm writing because I feel like writing, but I have nothing to write about. I think this is probably just going to end up being a couple paragraphs without any substance, but I don't really care.

I don't really know what I want to write about right now. I just went to my blog and was like, "Hey, I think I should write something," so now I'm writing a blog post. It's pretty bad so far. That's the problem with my writing. It's stylistically pretty good, and it's usually easy to read and somewhat amusing, but it never has any substance. Or usually doesn't have any substance, because sometimes it actually does have substance. Anyway, I can write a lot, but for the most part it's just words and no meaning.

That's not true. Words inherently carry some sort of meaning with them. I mean meaning in the metaphorical, hit-you-with-a-ton-of-bricks sense. My writing is not like that. I wish that it were more like that, though. I think it would be cool if I could write with the same voice that I do now, but actually communicate something important with it. That would be nice.

I feel like a lot of what I write is about what I wish were the case, even though it isn't. Hypotheticals are fun and all, but they really don't do anything for me. Like I can wish that things will happen all I want to, but it probably isn't going to happen unless I put some effort into making it happen. I should make things happen instead of just writing about them. Although most of what I write about isn't actually possible, or at least very unlikely.

My hair is getting too long. When I wake up in the morning, there's this patch on the back right side of my head that sticks out, and it really bothers me. I want one of those hair-clippers that barbers use, so I can just cut my hair whenever I want to. I like having short hair.

On another note, we're nearing the holiday season. This is both good and bad. I enjoy the food and the merriment and the music and stuff, but I dislike how big a deal people make about the whole thing.

Here's part of my life philosophy: "Chill out."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

If At First You Don't Succeed

So I don't know if this is going to be relevant to anything, but I'm going to write it anyway. I've been thinking about being a little more balls-out about life recently. This isn't to say that I'm walking around with my testicles hanging out of my pants, but rather that I'm going ahead and doing things instead of thinking about doing them and never getting around to it. What I've found is that when you try a lot of things, a fair number of them fail.

I hate losing. I hate failing. I hate outcomes that I am not satisfied with. Yet it seems that coming to terms with my recent results has been easier than other times. Why is this, you ask? Because I've lowered my expectations. This is probably not the best way to approach life, but when you're trying new things you can't expect everything to go your way all the time. It simply isn't possible. Or it is actually possible, but the likeliness of it is so low that it isn't possible in practical application. Anyway, I'm hoping my net yield from this will be better than all the lost opportunities that passed me by in my non-action.

So what if I fail? None of my failures have been confirmed yet, so I don't know if I'm actually a very successful individual who feels like I've failed. Whatever. If it was all for naught, should I try again? Or is it the kind of situation where you give up and change course, try more things and see what happens then? I mean, balls-out means that I should do what I want to do as long as the consequences are not too serious. Balls-out means I should go for the gold. Balls-out means that it's not important if it's hard to pick myself back up or get started, and I should just do it.

I just hope I don't end up screwing everything up for myself.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well, How About That?

So I just realized that I got all the way through election season without writing a word about the election. I plan on keeping it that way but I just wanted to point that out. I didn't even realize it. Maybe it would've made for some interesting posts. Maybe it wouldn't. Anyway, here are some of my thoughts about politics.

Politics are stupid. I think that global society probably wouldn't run as smoothly as it does without them, but I generally don't like the idea of having a few people making big decisions about how the world works. I blame technology. Here's my explanation:

Imagine that there was no way to travel long distances in short periods of time, or communicate with people out of range of smoke signals. Yes, smoke signals. They're the longest distance form of communication I can think of that doesn't require some kind of wire or electricity or something like that. Firstly, society would be entirely different. We probably wouldn't have electricity, and life would pretty much suck, but what we wouldn't have to deal with would be elections. It would be like the middle ages, which, now that I think about it, would suck as much if not more than the current political system sucks right now. Anyway, the idea would be that we don't have to worry about international relations and dealing with other countries because that wouldn't exist. People should deal with things on a more local basis, and we shouldn't have to worry about other people's policies if they're far away from you and don't affect you.

I demand simplicity! (And I am very glad that the election is pretty much over and done with.)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Whether 'Tis Nobler...

To suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or just suck it up and get on with your life. I'm not sure if that was a properly formed sentence, but I don't really want to figure it out. I'm sitting in the library now drinking my three-dollar chai latte and writing a blog post for the sake of not wanting to do my other work. Is it wrong for me to not like school? I mean, I've been in school for the last thirteen and some odd years. It's a pretty long time. This post really has nothing to do with Shakespeare, and hardly anything to do with being noble. But I'm writing it anyway.

I would really like to be more interested in school. I don't mean to say that I don't love college, because it's awesome. But the school part of college is not awesome. It's pretty much like this: I would like to live on a college campus and be eternally twenty years old, but not have to take classes because it would be the best of times. It would also be the worst of times, because you wouldn't do anything but have fun and you'd go broke and die of alcohol poisoning or something along those lines, but it would be a good time while it lasts.

In other news, school sucks because I have nine o'clock class. Waking up in the morning and dragging your butt to lecture is one of the worst things you can possibly have to do at nine in the morning. So I just looked up what a.m. stands for on Wikipedia because I didn't know, and I was thinking about it for a second and the only thing that I could think of relating to time with the letters a.m. was après midi, which means "afternoon" in French, but that didn't make any sense because a.m. refers to before noon. Anyway, it stands for ante meridiem, which means "before noon" in Latin. Learn something new every day.

Anyway, I need to figure out how to get interested in school again. Some people suggest taking a break, but I don't really want to stop out because I don't know what I'd do with myself and I don't really think that working would be much of a respite from school. Some people suggest a change of pace, and I agree, but I don't really know where I'm going to get a change of pace. We'll see what happens.

In the meantime, I'm going to sip on my three-dollar chai latte and write on my blog.