Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I'm Bored

So I'm totally uninspired. I'm supposed to write an essay for one of my classes, but I have absolutely no motivation to do it right now. As a result of my lack of motivation, I have instead created a blog for myself to log my thoughts.

On another note, I will probably regret creating this at some point when I post something that reflects badly upon some aspect of my personality, and it's out there for all of you to read. I must be careful of what I post.

Back to the point: Who is going to read this? I really don't know. There are a great number of pointless blogs out there, and though I don't read any of them myself, I now have one. You, whoever you are, are reading this now. I may or may not know you, but what's important (not really, but we'll just say that it is,) is that you are getting a deeper glimpse (not really, but that's ok too) into who I really am.

So, my essay is a creative exercise, which would ordinarily be amusing, like writing this blog. However, for some strange reason, it isn't amusing at all. This temporary diversion may or may not become something that I regularly update, as it may or may not become something you regularly read.

I'm totally getting off what I was going to write about in that last paragraph, so here's a new one:

Symposiums: why must people discuss things? I think people should have interior monologues with themselves like I am now, online, shared with the rest of the wired world. It would make it much easier for me to write an essay along these lines than a structured symposium on the nature of Pleasure, with arguments that are not my own. Alas, I must follow the rubric to get a decent grade. Oh, the woes of structured education! Why must we follow rules?

"An excellent question," you might be thinking. (I know that I am.) Rules allow us to have some semblance of order in our lives.

"And why do we need order?" is the reasonable response, I believe.

I don't know. Maybe I'll answer that later. But for now this train of thought is getting a little too bizarre for my liking so I'm going to start over.

I'm JDub, and I've just created this blog in my efforts to procrastinate even more from writing my essay due on Thursday. You are reading this blog and getting rather bored with my meandering thoughts, and may even stopped reading at this point. If you have, you won't know what I'm typing now so this really doesn't matter. If you haven't, however, already lost interest in my stream of consciousness, (for some reason that is beyond my comprehension--even I'm a little bored with myself by now...) you will continue to get more of the same until I feel like ending this little online escapade.

Which would be right about... not yet.


Actually, yeah... That time is about now. I'm done for now. Maybe I'll write another one later, maybe I won't, but for now, I'm done.

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