Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Rubik's Cube Experience

It is a simple plastic cube, three high, three across and three deep, with white, red, green, orange, blue and yellow stickers adorning the sides. The faces twist and turn, scrambling the colors to unsolvable non-patterns--or so it seems.

The Rubik's Cube is really not all that difficult to solve, if you know what you're doing. However, if you don't know what you're doing, the Rubik's Cube can be most infuriating. The passage that follows is the process as I attempt a theoretical Rubik's Cube in my head.

"Okay. Twist here, turn that side there, and I've got three white blocks in a row. I complete the whole white side of the cube. Then I realize that even though the side looks right, my corners are in the wrong place.

"Alas. I shall try to fix it.

"First things first. Get the corners in the right places. Oooooooookay. Let's move this one over here. Turn it this way, rotate it up. Aaaaaaaaaaand now there're i've got three wrong blocks. Alright let's switch it back.

"How do I get back to there? Dammit I wish my memory were better. I must remember to drink some ginseng. Wait--I won't remember that if my memory is already bad. Such a conundrum. I love that word--conundrum--rolls nicely off the tongue. Lots of 'uhhhh' sounds.

"Wait! I've got to fix this cube. Okay. Concentrate. What do I need to do? I have no idea. I've got most of the whites on one side. Damn I sound like a huge bigot. Whites on one side and colors separated. Or maybe that's what this Rubik guy wanted me to think. It's his cube anyway. Maybe I should just let him fix it. That seems like a pretty good idea. I'm fed up with this anyway.

"Hold on just one second. I am not going to give up on this that quickly. Let's get down to it.

[Some time elapses]

"I HATE YOU, RUBIK CREATOR DUDE!! Why do you torment me so?? I try to fix your stupid little cube, but it just messes itself up even more! Stupid colored stickers looking so scrambled at me. I hate you too.

"Wait... Stickers? AH HA! I will make you right again, Cube of Rubrik.

[More time elapses]

"WOOHOO I fixed a Rubik's Cube! Kind of. I use fixed because the colors are right, whether the underlying blocks are in the right place or not. Now just don't move the blocks and everybody will think you're a complete genius. Hehehehehehe. They will never know the truth..."

That's about how solving a cube goes, before you know how. Afterwards, it's more like, "Okay, so this piece is there, [turn spin rotate turn rotate] aaaaaaand now we're done. That was fun. Let's do it again!" It really isn't that interesting. But oh how it is addictive.

Anyway I lost my inspiration, so I'm done for now. More later!

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