Monday, May 12, 2008


Sighs piss me off. If you sigh around me, you can expect me to become rather irritated with you.

I don't sigh a lot. Even if I'm exasperated, I tend to express myself in ways that don't involve an exaggerated exhale. It's typically more of an explicit statement like, "God dammit!" or "GAAAAAHHHH!" I don't believe in any sort of god, by the way. I just picked up phrases involving gods from years of exposure to people who use the same (or similar) expressions.

I don't deny the existence of a greater being. I'm in this philosophy class and it turns out that about half of philosophy ends up being about the supernatural at some point. There is also a lot of completely hypothetical discussion, and some of it is really creepy. For example, whenever we talk about inherent right and wrong, the example of eating babies for fun is used as the example. I don't know if it was just the course's professor, but it really weirded me out.

Anyway, sighing is dumb. So is expressing physical expressions, such as sighs and hugs, through instant messaging, email, text messaging or other written communication. It bothers me when people type "*sigh*" or "*hug*" or "*[thing you can't do when you're far away from the other person]*" to communicate the idea that they're doing the thing that they can't really be doing. Just save it till you see the person. Jeez.

So I'm listening to You Can't Always Get What You Want right now by The Rolling Stones (which is one of the greatest bands of all time) and I think that the chorus is a pretty good maxim for life in general. 

I'm in between classes right now so I'm just wasting time. I really don't have anything particularly interesting to say right now. I feel like the quality of my writing has dropped significantly since I started writing this. I don't know why.

I enjoy thinly veiled politically incorrect innuendos. These include (but are by no means limited to) sex and drug references. I watched the first disc of the second season of Weeds (which is an excellent show) last night and in the special features there is a thing on hydroponic gardening. It's quite amusing, and possibly useful, but it includes lots of these references.

There are a lot of really good shows that not very many people see because they're on HBO or Showtime or something like that. Flight of the Conchords and Entourage are some of those shows. It's not like Flight of the Conchords couldn't air on broadcast television. I'm pretty sure it would be really popular. Entourage and Weeds probably should stay on those channels with limited viewership, because they do include "adult themes." Americans are prudes.

The US is pretty lame. It's because our Forefathers were all crazy religious people who would probably instantly orgasm if they saw a girl dressed like they do now.

I'm listening to Ray Charles now. He was a huge baller. I can't play the piano remotely as well as he can, and I can see. He also had a biopic made about him. The whole drug thing kind of sucked but he was still a killer musician.

I have no idea who writes songs anymore. I think that a lot of the time the pop stuff has absolutely nothing to do with the performing artist. I'm also pretty sure that there aren't any hugely popular writers like George Gershwin or whoever else like there was back in the day.

Rhapsody in Blue is an awesome song. I've used "awesome" in this case to mean that I am in awe whenever I hear that song because it is such an impressive composition. And when I say whenever I hear that song, I mean when I hear Rhapsody in Blue performed well. Flight of the Bumblebees is another one of those songs, but I'm more impressed by the musicianship of the performer than the composition of the song.

Many words have grossly distorted meanings in the contemporary vernacular. Awesome is one of those words. Hot and cool are others.

Southern California slang bothers me. The two slang terms I hate most are "gnarly" and "dank." Gnarly is particularly irritating when it is abbreviated to "gnar." It just sounds dumb. It is also an ugly word. Dank bothers me because the actual meaning completely opposes the implied meaning (which is good).

Acronyms are fun. I like taking a word and making an acronym for it. Usually the words are somewhat inappropriate. I'm mature like that.

Recursion is a cool idea. I like it when you stand between two mirrors and see lots and lots and lots of reflections of yourself. Theoretically there could be infinite reflections of you, but the world tends towards chaos so you probably won't ever see infinite reflections unless they come up with a completely ideal situation, which will probably never happen.

Science is based on a bunch of formulas that describe ideal situations, but the situation is pretty much never ideal. Science, therefore, is a load of feces.

Reason is overrated. I like gut instinct. I'm pretty sure that the cavemen survived bear attacks from gut instinct better than by reasoning with the bear. I'm not sure if that last sentence was grammatically correct.

Alcohol is a drug. So is nicotine. So is caffeine. People who drink alcohol say they don't do drugs but they really do. Liars. You should acknowledge the fact that you're probably doing more damage to your body by binge drinking than people tell you.

People are stupid. I'll leave you with that thought.

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