Monday, December 1, 2008


Acronyms are lots of fun. I'm not going to come up with any right now, but I'm just saying that they're fun. There should be more acronyms for innocuous things that end up being dirty words. Like that movie, Accepted, where he invents a school (South Harmon Institute of Technology) that acronyms to S.H.I.T. I think that's funny. And I just made acronym into a verb.

People are taking a lot of liberties with language. People are inventing words left and right. I do it too, but I think it's okay when I do it because they're usually useful words. The Internet was a terrible invention, because now stupid people have a way to share their stupidity with the rest of the world. There should be a Internet Test to make sure that people are intelligent enough to use the Internet. It'd be kind of like getting a Driver's License but it'd be for the Internet.

I probably shouldn't have written this post because I don't have anything else to write now. Lame. But I do think that I could get an Internet License.

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